Bar Council


Nancy Williams, Barrister and Social Mobility Advocate for the Bar Council, talks about her experiences at the Bar

Tell us about your background and why you decided to become a barrister.

I was born in Sierra Leone and arrived in the UK on my first birthday. I attended a comprehensive secondary school and local sixth form college. My father became an Immigration Adviser as a result of the challenges he faced finding good quality legal representation for our family whilst we were regularising our immigration status in the UK. 

I witnessed first-hand the immense gratitude of my father’s clients for his work and the life-changing effect of the law, as it provided individuals with the opportunity for a fresh start after experiencing suffering in their countries of origin. This instilled within me the desire to become a lawyer at a very young age.

 Did you face any obstacles along your journey to becoming a barrister and how did you overcome them? 

I studied law at a predominantly white middle-class red-brick university. This was a culture shock for me. I was a minority on my course and in my hall of residence. I remember vividly a black male in my hall alerting me to the fact that I was the only black woman. I was different to everybody else in terms of my race and socio-economic background. I initially wanted to hide that difference then I realised that my difference was important and should be highlighted.

Ultimately, the biggest obstacle that I faced was financial. I did not have the means to afford the training required to become a barrister. Fortunately, I received a scholarship from my Inn which assisted with paying for the BPTC.

 What opportunities, support and encouragement did you receive along your journey to becoming a barrister? 

My Inn offered an interview coaching scheme for aspiring barristers. I have remained in contact with the barrister that conducted my mock interview, he has supported me through the application process by reading my applications and offering advice. Before becoming a barrister, I worked as a paralegal for 2.5 years at a leading human rights firm. In this position, I had the opportunity to work closely with barristers and develop a good working relationship with some of them. I used these relationships to assist with the pupillage process by requesting mock interviews and review of my pupillage applications.

 What is the most rewarding thing about being a barrister?

I have a common law practice which encompasses family and criminal law. At times, I act for very vulnerable clients. I am glad that I am able to assist them by using the law to try to make their lives better. 

What are the challenges facing today’s aspiring barristers, and how can they be addressed?

The biggest challenge is the fierce competition to get pupillage. The number of graduates from the various Bar schools outstrips the number of available pupillages. 

There are various sources of support and information for aspiring barristers. The primary source of financial support is the Inns of Court. The Inns also provide support at different stages of the journey to becoming a barrister through open days, mentoring schemes and mock pupillage interviews. In addition, social media is used by many barristers, legal organisations and chambers. It is an excellent tool for self-promotion, building a network and getting exposure to different opportunities and will certainly help provide a competitive edge if used effectively.

What advice would you give to someone from an under-represented background, seeking to succeed at the Bar?

Do not be afraid to share or highlight what makes you different. In a sea of excellent candidates, your difference is what will help you stand out. Don’t be afraid to tell your story!



The Inns, Circuits, and Specialist Bar Associations provide a wide range of assistance programmes including mentoring. 

You can find out more about these organisations here. 

Cake & Counsel: Peer-based networking and support group for aspiring lawyers. Follow @cakeandcounsel, on Facebook, or Linkedin.  

Bridging the Bar: Working to increase diversity at the Bar. Offers mini-pupillage opportunities, mentoring and support.

Mental health support services are also available, for example, Wellbeing at the Bar with sections which provide advice and assistance to  pupils and students who have completed the BPTC and maybe struggling to secure pupillage etc.


BME legal: Offers an Intensive Support Programme for those from African-Caribbean and/or low-socio economic backgrounds. Participants on the ISP receive a mentor, five professional workshops, mock interviews and proof-reading of application forms. Follow @BME_Legal and connect on LinkedIn. 

BME at the Bar: Events and initiatives to improve diversity and career progression at the Bar, signposting and information sharing between allied networks. 


Bar None: Bar None has just been launched by the Western Circuit to increase BAME representation at the Bar. 

Email if interested.

Black Barristers Network: Promoting the growth of black barristers through support, visibility and community outreach. Follow @BBN_Tweets

Society of Asian Lawyers: Networking, events, and community. 

Black Men in Law: Connection and support for Black men in the legal profession. Follow: @BMLnetwork

Black Women in Law: Connecting Black women in the legal profession: barristers, judges, solicitors, paralegals and law students.


Disability panel: The Panel promotes disability access throughout the profession, develops guidance for practitioners and offers advice to law students and barristers. Contact here.

Association of Disabled Lawyers: the association for disabled lawyers and lawyers with mental and/or physical health conditions. This includes anyone studying or practicing law. Website here. Follow: @disabledlawyers. 


Legally Disabled: research investigating the negative and positive experiences, choices and views of qualified disabled people working or seeking to work in the legal profession. Website here.


FreeBar: Promoting LGBT+ equality & inclusion across the Bar


Neurodiversity in Law: Newly founded to promote and support neurodiversity within the legal sector and to eliminate stigma. Follow: @ndin_law, Insta: ndin_law 



Women in the law UK: Events, professional development, and community for women in the legal profession, with a focus on careers, wellbeing, and networking. They aim to inspire, support and connect future leaders in law. 

Association of Women Barristers: Offers mentoring, events and support for women barristers, and aspiring barristers. 

Women in Criminal Law: Networking organisation helping women from all different parts of the profession get to know and support each other – solicitors, paralegals, pupils, barristers and judges, prosecution and  defence, private and publicly funded. WICL Runs a race equality committee specifically for Black and minority ethnic women Follow @womenincrimlaw, LinkedIn or  email:

Do you want a career at the Bar? Check out this brochure on the bar council website to guide you on the steps you need to take:

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