10 TOP TIPS for working from home

Here are my personal tips on successfully working from home. By Ayaz Saboor, Trainee Solicitor at DWF

TIP 1 – Workspace

This is by far one of the most important pieces of advice I could give you. Whilst it is easier said than done, it is extremely important to set up a dedicated space where you will work from. Get yourself a space in your house where you can have a desk and a chair that will allow you to work comfortably. It is important to still keep your work and personal life quite separate. Having a dedicated workspace will assist in doing this.

TIP 2 – Daily routine

It is paramount for your mental well-being and your overall productivity to maintain a morning routine. Wake up every day at the same time, get yourself dressed and ready, take a walk or read a book and then prepare your workstation for the day ahead. As humans, we are creatures of habit.

TIP 3 – Regular breaks

There are instances in everyday office life, where you will naturally take breaks without even realising. However, at home, you almost feel guilty for taking a break as you ‘should’ always be working.You should still take a break. If that means making a coffee and catching up on the news for a few minutes, then do it. It could mean calling up a colleague to just have a chat about any weekend plans etc.

TIP 4 – Speak to your colleagues

Not being in the office means I miss not getting to speak to the great people I work with. Naturally, you spend a lot of time in the office and you meet some great people with whom you form good relationships. Whilst working remotely makes this harder, it shouldn’t make it impossible. When you start in a new team it is up to you to forge those relationships with your colleagues. When you are taking your break, you should try and schedule the same time as a colleague so you could maybe just have a chat and a catch up.

TIP 5 – Socialise

Dare I say it? Pub quiz. I think it is imperative to arrange and attend socials. Of course, working remotely may be the future, however, lockdown won’t be forever. In fact, at the time of publication (hopefully) we will be out of lockdown. Work is such a big part of all our lives and our careers are what we have worked so hard to achieve – it is important we embrace every inch of it.

TIP 6 – Switch off

I must stress that the tips I am outlining are not in any order of importance. If they were ranked, I would place this tip nearer to the top. Remember the dynamic of working from the office. If you are lucky, you would leave at around 6/7 and then go home and enjoy your evening with friends and family and not think about work until the next morning. The importance of switching off from work is still necessary. My tip here would be that at the end of the day, switch off all of your work electronics and put them away until the next morning.

TIP 7 – Have a weekend

Your weekend is yours and I advise you keep it that way. Try your best not to blur the lines between home and work life. If your workload allows, do not work the weekend. If in the normal course of your role, you would be working on the weekend because of a deal or busy period, then of course, I suggest you do the same from home. 

TIP 8 – Communicate up

Part of building relationships and trust with the people you work with is by communicating. Starting a new role can be difficult when you are in the office. Starting a new role and working from home is a whole other kettle of fish. One thing I have learned is to speak to your supervisor a lot. Have regular catch ups to discuss your workload. But also use that time to get to know one another on a more informal level, again, as you would in an office. My most important piece of advice here would be to ask questions about the work and subject matter of your role so that you get a rounded understanding.

TIP 9 – Exercise

Incorporating exercise into our daily routine is paramount to a healthy and productive mind-set. If your exercise is going to the gym, then go and do that. Similarly, get out at lunch time with some lunch and go for a walk.

TIP 10 – Get camera ready

Getting ready for work as usual is also something that I have found useful. If you stick your camera on, you will find that you can build those relationships that I have spoken about earlier. Not only that, you will just generally feel better in yourself rather than being in the pyjamas that you have worn for the last week (!)

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